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  • E-Gram Swaraj

    Welcome to our rural-focused e-learning portal, dedicated to empowering villages through capacity building and Panchayat development. Our mission is to provide accessible education tailored to the unique needs of rural communities, fostering growth and self-sufficiency. Our curriculum is designed to address the specific challenges and opportunities faced by villagers, offering a diverse range of courses for learners of all ages. From sustainable farming practices to healthcare and Panchayat governance, our content is crafted to enhance rural life.  Central to our mission is Panchayat development. We offer specialized courses in governance, leadership, and community engagement to empower Panchayat members in driving positive change.

    ई-ग्राम एक पोर्टल है जो अद्वितीय ऑनलाइन सीखने के अवसर प्रदान करेगा

About Us

The E-Gram Portal provides the following features for a succesfull program.

Auto-generated reports: Get accurate insights on your performance with auto-generated reports that help create successful campaigns.

  • Customisable Courses
  • Easy Management of users
  • Innovative online content